

We offer concentrated Amla that is one of the richest source of natural Vitamin C and hence has numerous health benefits. It is a powerful anti -oxidant agent that boosts immunity, restores vitality and rejuvenates body, entirely. It is used to cure skin problems, control hair loss, improve eyesight, control sugar level etc. Its natural fruit extracts also prevents the growth of cancerous cells. Amla concentrate offered is purely natural without any additives

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We offer concentrated Amla that is one of the richest source of natural Vitamin C and hence has numerous health benefits. It is a powerful anti -oxidant agent that boosts immunity, restores vitality and rejuvenates body, entirely. It is used to cure skin problems, control hair loss, improve eyesight, control sugar level etc. Its natural fruit extracts also prevents the growth of cancerous cells. Amla concentrate offered is purely natural without any additives.

Additional information

Weight N/A
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Each 100 ml contains. Amla Juice with pulp 98.5 w/w, Punch Tulsi Ext. 1% w/w, Cardamom Ext. 05% w/w.


Enhances memory & fertility, Strong anti aging, One of the best herbs for diabetes, Powerful skin & hair rejuvenator, Restore stomach and digestive enzyme, Supports heart and lungs, Improves immunity power of body, Stops premature graying of hair.

Sales Package

700 Ml Bottle in 1 Pack



Key Features

100% Herbal Product , No Side Effect, Original Amla Used.


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