

A silky light weight hydrating body lotion restores suppleness to dry skin with a moisture binding blends of vitamins, natural humectants and oils. It also contains cocoa butter, honey, neem oil along with other precious herbs that will help keep skin soft, smooth and fresh. It will also help protect skin from harmful effects of tap water and harsh weather condition

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A silky light weight hydrating body lotion restores suppleness to dry skin with a moisture binding blends of vitamins, natural humectants and oils. It also contains cocoa butter, honey, neem oil along with other precious herbs that will help keep skin soft, smooth and fresh. It will also help protect skin from harmful effects of tap water and harsh weather condition


Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Each 100ml contains : Cocoa buer 5g, Honey 5g, Wheatgerm oil 5g, Kumkumadi oil 3g, Neem oil 3g Til oil20g, Baseq.s. Kumkumadi oil 3g, Neem oil 3g Til oil20g, Baseq.s. Wheatgerm oil 5g Base Q.S.


Moisturizing, cleaner skin ,: Cocoa butter has excel lent s k in emol l ient (softening) and skin soothing properties, Honey nourishes and softens skin also acts as a natural antiseptic, Wheatgerm Oil restore skin's elasticity, leaving it softer and more toned than before.

Sales Package

150 ml in 1 bottle



Key Features

hydrating body lotion, restores suppleness to dry skin, moisture binding blends of vitamins, natural humectants and oils, cocoa butter, honey, neem oil, precious herbs


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